Getting there...
A relatively early night tonight - only 1am as I write this. Still plenty of wrinkles to work out, and only limited data from the scope presented at the moment, but the closing and reopening of the streams from the scope seems to have made a huge difference. Still can't reliably connect to the scope on Windows, but on Linux, I get a 90% success rate at the moment! The scope still locks up, requiring a power cycle, but it's rare enough now to almost (!) forget it. So first views of the Java-presented data from the Instek GDS-2062 (just one click to connect, one click to update).
These are the small (500 points) sample sets. There's about twice as much data visible, compared to the screen on the scope. There appears to be a 'glitch' visible as a spike at the left side of the blue trace. It's repeated in the yellow trace, but more visible when the time/div is decreased. This may be an error in the scope. I'll look into that.

At the moment, the only data displayed are the sample points, the marker (a '1' and a '2') for the offset voltage, and the Volts/div for the two channels. It's easy to add the rest of the data, expect an update soon.
And here is the actual oscilloscope. See? Only half the samples visible.
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